c Rachel Richlinski Biases at College Poll Tracker
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Rachel RichlinskiWLBT/FOX40 (Jackson, MS)
About: Rachel Richlinski joined the WLBT team in May 2016, shortly after graduating from Louisiana State University. Prior to working for WLBT she interned at WAFB in Baton Rouge, and at WWL in New Orleans. Rachel is a Louisiana native and loves her LSU Tigers. Growing up, Rachel’s world revolved around sports, playing softball and volleyball her entire life up until college. Rachel is a huge college baseball fan, and enjoys talking about the SEC. She spends most of her free time hanging out with her beloved maltipoo, Channing, and is focused on living an active and healthy lifestyle. Rachel is excited to be covering athletics in the Metro.

Biased Towards


Biased Against


Neutral/Not Enough Info
